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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Battle of Khaibar and Umar

The Batlle of Khaibar; Muharram A.H. 7 (A.C. 628).

Owing to the intrigues and overt acts of violence of the Jews, the Prophet (P) was compelled to lead an expedition to Khaibar, a cluster of forts some ninety miles from Medina in the direction of Syria, where the Jews frorn the whole of Arabia had collected together, awaiting an opportunity to fall on Medina. Some of the fortresses fell to the Muslims without much effort. But the greatest of them all, called Al-Qamus, held out much longer. Abu Bakr led a detachment to conquer it, but was defeated. On the following day, "Umar went out to it with a great force: but was also repulsed and defeated. On their return to the Prophet (P), the army accused "Umar of cowardice, and 'Umar similarly accused the army. The Prophet (P) was annoyed and spoke the following celebrated words:

"By God, tomorrow I will hand over the flag to a man who loves God and his Prophet, and whom God and the Prophet love; he is very brave, he never flees the field, and will take it forcibly" (1) .

(1) At-Tabari;: Vol. 3, p. 94.
Ibn-al.Athir: "Tarikh Al-Karnil", Vol. 2, p. 83. Abu Al-Fida', Vol. 1, p. 140.
Ibn Hisharn, Vol. 3, p. 386.Ibn Kathir: "Tiirikh", Vol. 4, p. 185; Vol. 7, pp. 224, 336-339. Shibli: "Sifat", Vol. I, Part I, p. 356.Tarlkh Al-Khamis, Vol. 2, p. 51.
Al-Bukhari: Kitab-al-Jihad, Kitab-al-Fada'il, Kitiib-al-Maghazi. Muslim: Kitab-al-Jihad, Kitab-al-Fada'il.
Ibn Khaldun, Urdu translation, Vol. 3, pp. 170, 171. Ibn Sa'd: "Tabaqat", Jild 2, Qism 1, pp. 80, 81.
Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal: "Al-Musnad", Vol.l, pp. 99,133; Vol. 2, pp. 26,384; Vol. 3, p. 16; Vol. 4, p. 52; Vol. 5, pp. 323, 353, 358. Hablb-as-Sayyar, Vol. I, Part 3, p. 56.

Everyone was filled with the hope of being given the flag . 'Umar said that he had a great longing to get the flag on that occasion. But early in the morning, the Prophet (P) sent for Imam 'Ali and handed over the flag to him with the orders that he should go and conquer the fortress! (2) 

(2) At-Tabari;: Vol. 3, p. 94.
Ibn-al.Athir: "Tarikh Al-Karnil", Vol. 2, p. 83. Abu Al-Fida', Vol. 1, p. 140.
Ibn Hisharn, Vol. 3, p. 386.
When he arrived there, Marhab himself came out to fight Imam 'Ali, who had already killed two of his brothers before. The fight lasted for some time, and finally Imam Ali killed him. He then attacked the party accompanying Marhab, and during this fight his shield fell to the ground. Undaunted by 'this accident, Imam 'Ali went up to the gate of the fortress, unhinged the iron door, and using it as a shield fought until the citadel was conquered. (3)

(3) Ibn-al-Athir: "tarikh Al-Kamil", Vol. 2, pp. 83, 84, At-Tabari: Vol. 3, p. 94,
Abu Al-Fida', Vol. 1, p.140.
Ibn Hisham, Vol. 3, p. 387

It is an established fact that the ruler of the place, Marhab, was killed by Imam 'Ali in a well-fought duel. First his brother, AI-Harith or 'Antar, who had defeated 'Umar and Abu Bakr on previous occasions, had come out to meet Imam 'Ali, but was killed by him. Enraged by the death of his brother, Marhab himself then came out, and fought and was killed by Imam 'Ali. The authorities on this point are unanimous! (4) 

(4) Al-Tabari: Vol. 3, p. 94. Ibn-al-Athir: Vol. 2, p, 83. Abul  Fidda', Vol. 1, p, 140,
Shibli: "Sirat-an-Nabi", Vol. 1, Part 1, p. 357. Khamis, Vol. 2, p. 51.



La Fatah Illah ALi ya Saifahilla Zulfiqar

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